Jansen Tore at FeuerTrutz 2020 - now it's going digital!
FeuerTrutz 2020 is going digital - you have read correctly, but the FeuerTrutz 2020 will be a digital event in the year 2020, but no less interesting!
NürnbergMesse and the FeuerTrutz Network have jointly decided not to hold the FeuerTrutz 2020 as a face-to-face event in Nuremberg in the usual framework. Instead, parts of the trade fair and the parallel Fire Protection Congress will take place in virtual form - this digital alternative offer is being worked on at full speed until the end.
Of course, Jansen is also to be found at FeuerTrutz, and is only a few clicks away for you! We are looking forward to many exciting discussions, informative networking and the professional exchange with you. At our stand we will present our brand-new European fire protection portfolio and we will also be happy to inform you about our conveyor system closures from our own production!
We will provide you with first-hand expert knowledge - on September 30th at 10:30 a.m. our managing director Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Kater will inform you about "DIN EN 16034 & MVV TB a new team that demands good solutions". In his presentation he will focus on MVV TB, which is important for the user, and show where our products offer a solution.
The fire protection community will meet for the first time on the net on September 30 and October 1, 2020 and we invite you to become a part of the event with the access code DIGI20Jansen!
Redeem your code today at: https://www.feuertrutz-messe.de/de/besucher/tickets/gutschein